What people are saying about Alison Murtaugh

  • "You did an outstanding job on your post for the MorningStar® Farms campaign! Your amazing work has been selected, out of all participants, to be syndicated on SoFabFood.com and across our social outlets. We will be using an image from your post, linked to your site, a brief overview of the recipe linking to both your post and the client's hub, then a recipe card. These posts result in additional traffic to your blog and to our client's hub. Thanks for being such a valuable member of the Social Fabric Community. You are a true asset to Collective Bias and its clients! If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to reach out to the SoFabFood team!"

    -- Christy L. Gossett Consumer Marketing Manager, Assigned Properties, InMar.com

  • "Thank you again for participating in the Eagle Condensed Milk Influencer Activation— I hope you enjoyed the products! I wanted to take the time to personally reach out to you and thank you for the absolutely stunning blog post your published for this campaign. Needless to say the brand was thrilled with the hard work you put into your post. The photos you included were beautiful and the content was captivating and engaging, making this program an absolute pleasure to work on. It’s Influencers like you and programs like this that make my job so much fun, so again, THANK YOU! Again, thank you and it was an absolute joy to work with you on this program."

    — Alexia Pagones, Account Coordinator Influence-Central.com

  • "Thank you so much for your Life Choice bars post! What a great idea to mix in the bar with the trail mix to add extra protein! I only have one child, but I can't imagine doing all the running around that we do for him with a baby in tow, so I get what you're saying about needing extra energy. You did a great job of incorporating your story with the details of this campaign. Your photos are great and your hero shot is definitely pinnable! I honestly don't have any changes or suggestions so I'll just say, Keep up the good work!"

    Janet Krugel • GoingCrazyWannaGo • InMar.com